Hippophae rhamnoides / Elaeagnus rhamnoides - Sea Buckthorn Seeds

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Botanical nomenclature: hippophae rhamnoides (elaeagnus rhamnoides)
Common name: Sea Buckthorn
Family: elaegnaceae
Origin: nepal
Climate: tropical, tropical of altitude and subtropical
Luminosity: full sun
Height: between 1 and 6 meters


The plant has origin in the nepal and migrated to other parts of the world after the last glacial era. It is cultivated as an agricultural plant in germany, france, india and china, being china’s major producer.

Seabuckthorn is widely used in europe and asia as a powerful anti-oxidant, important source of vitamin c and an oil to cure different illnesses. The species are dynamic, fruiting is necessary male and feminine plant.

Resistant to wind, dry, frost and salinity of soil and air. Extremely adaptable.

Recovery and stabilizer of soil and water, windbreaker, animal feeding, live circuit.
Your fruits are used in a large variety of products and sub-products.

Various pharmacological activities are cited, such as citoprotetor, anti-stress, immunomodulator, hepatoprotetor, anti-microbial and regeneration of tissues have been reported.

The fruit has a high vitamin c (in average: 695 mg per 100 grams), about 15 times larger than orange, in addition to carotenoids, vitamin and, amino acids, dietary minerals and others …

The fruit can be used to make cakes, compotes, jellies, cremes and liqueurs. Both the juice as pulp has various other potential applications in food and beverages, as special beers, baby feeding, base of various juices, nutrition supplements.

For the centuries, the people of asia have used any plant to prevent and treat several diseases. Your medicinal use is well documented in asia and europe, where more than 10 different drugs were developed from the plant.

Both the leaves, as different by-products were developed for weight gain in animal feeding. Also used in feeding fish and birds.

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